Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Howdy everyone!

I'm glad to be emailing you all again... it's only been a few days, so not a lot has happened....

We still have no investigators.  Is that because we're not working hard enough?  I think we've been working pretty hard.... just, you know when things just aren't really working out too well?  Yeah... that's kind of happening.

"Great!  So we'll give you a call tomorrow.  You're thinking around 12? Sounds good!"
Next day
"Yeah... that is pretty nuts.... it's not everyday that your friend gets hit by a car.  You'll be taking care of him for a week?  It's cool.  Don't want us to come over?  Okay man... but I'm pretty darn sure a blessing... and the gospel... and salvation would help.  At least it wouldn't hurt."

"You're meeting with the Jehovah's witnesses now?  Aw shucks..."

And don't even get me started on people just not answering their phones.

But, on the bright-side, we're pulling out the big guns for the next two weeks --
We're going this week with Elder Ballif and Lemons on a rampage through Chernivtsi.  There's nothing more awesome than exchanges in a struggling area.  We're gonna get things moving here!
Then, the next week, the Assistants, My dear Elders Asay and Vandermark, are going to spend two days helping each of the two companionships out.
And then.... transfers.  Time moves so fast... sweet mercy.

So, yeah, we're trying to get work done here.  Sometimes, it just takes a put more push.  And then a shove.  And then you just gotta full on rhino-charge it.  And then you kneel down and ask God to move it, because you can't do anymore.  That's kind of how missionary work works.  Funny, huh?

I love you all!

Remember, the only reason for being sad is because we're being selfish.  If you need a pick-me-up, go try to pick somebody else up.  It's a miraculous cure!

Have a great week!

--Elder LeBaron

Photos -- Aparantely, Chernivtsi is the brother city of Salt Lake City, and so they have this square in the middle of town.  I was way confused by this discovery.
My Trainee, Elder Trokhymenko. 

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