Yes. It was.
Last week, my email was all about how I have no clue how missionary work actually is supposed to work.
Well, fair enough to say that I am even more confused than I have ever been in my entire life. I'm also happier now than ever before!
I'll explain.
Volodymyr came back! The man who was supposed to get baptized by disappeared? Yeah, he just had an accident at work. Actually, he fell 3 stories and broke a couple of ribs. Crazy. We're amazed he's alive. That's why we lost track of him. He came back, and we reset his baptismal date for... well, 2 days ago. Now everything is going well, and he is a member of the church! He's been to the hospital, and hopefully everything will be happy and healthy soon.
He told me, "Finally. This is the 4th time I've set a baptismal date with missionaries.... and it's finally going to work out". Proof that satan works very hard to try and stop good things from happening. Luckily, if you do your best, everything works out!
Also, Hittish (the indian fellow) is on date, but he's been having some problem with getting to church. As in, he stays up all night, and then even when we stop by and call and do everything we can to get him to come to church, he still doesn't come. Other than that, he still meets for lessons, and still wants to get baptized. We've just got to get him to church! He wants to come! He just likes sleeping more right now!! Addiction recovery for sleep may be necessary here.
Then, we've got a new friend; Kolya. He's 15, and his friend Sasha brought him to church. Sasha is 17, and he's a member here who is one of our only active young men. He's stellar! He was less-active when I first got here, but he's friends with my companion (they met at some youth conference before the mission), and now really cool miracles are happening! Kolya came to church on sunday, and asked us if we could help him get ready to be baptized! June 20th! It's just great! God loves this branch SO MUCH!
And so many other miracles that I just don't have time to explain all of them.
We had service opportunities! (I'll send pictures next week. Forgot my camera at home)
Learned how to cut grass and weeds like a real Ukrainian.
I'm super excited for the upcoming zone conference in L'viv on Thursday!
Not super excited for the 8 1/2 hour bus ride... but we'll get the chance to talk with some cool people!
We're going to keep working hard this week!
I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week too!
Elder LeBaron
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